Saturday, June 28, 2008

Its Saturday

I have exactly three days of doing nothing before starting work again. So im definitely goin to enjoy every single minute. Well, I spent the whole Saturday morning catching up on lost sleep and only managed to open up my eyes at 3 in the afternoon. Pretty much the whole morning was spent sleeping but i also presume thats how im goin to spend the rest of my off days. sHiok!

Attended a birthday party of Ken's camp mate, it was alrite actually besides the fact that I was feeling damn bloated and nauseous. It was nice seeing Ken having fun with all his buddies and they were quite an entertaining lot. GL is so damn sweet to his girlfriend and I tink they are both very lucky to have each other. =) they were so sweet to look at. I juz love happy things and looking at all the sweet couples yesterday made me happy. besides the few bad apples and their conquest stories... one was particularly disappointing but expected anyway.

Why do a guy wanna cheat? I feel if ever a guy cheats on me, that will be the end of us. I dun tink I can ever accept the fact that he slept with someone else, that he fucked someone else. Even if he asked me to give a second chance, things will never be the same anymore. It will be a stain on the relationship that can never go away and the relationship will not be pure anymore.
Even if I forgive him, I dun tink I can ever forget it. Its juz wrong and something I will never able to put it aside and go on as if nothing has happened. If it happened once, it will happen again.
So when B said that he had sex with someone else besides his gf, all he said was that it was not his fault. I always thought that it was sweet that he love his gf so much till he wanna marry her, I feel that its all gone. And although he says he feels guilty, I dun think that will help.

As I always say, men can never resist a woman who throws themselves at them. Its like children not being able to resist chocolate given to them.
Only a few good guys will, which I believe they still exist. Juz very very few. Juz hope they will not let me down.
Like I say, out of 50 men there will only be one Peter. Another 50 men another GL. So in another 50 will there be a Kenneth?? =p

Yay, my food is back. Time to have lunch. Big Mac!!!