Thursday, June 26, 2008

Good Morning

And a very good morning indeed. Feeling a little better this morning. Less crappy. Maybe its the thought of THurs and that the weekend is near.... or juz simply because Baby hugged me the whole nite to sleeep.
I love to be in baby's arms the whole nite, make me feel safe from everything in the world and I can sleep so soundly.
On the way to work, thought bout lots of things and realised that I have lost focus which resulted in me feeling frustrated and lost. Along the way and being caught up in everyday life, I have lost focus and forgot bout what im trying to achieve.
I see all the things that I do not have and forget to be thankful for the many things that I have.
I so blessed and yet im still complaining. argg..... how can I be so selfish and greedy.

I feel like im stuck here because I have not travelled for a long time, but only because I used to travel so often in the past and I miss the feeling of playing in the snow in Ottawa, enjoying the breeze in Australia, the shopping in BAngkok...... the many trips to nearby islands to enjoy the sea.
Now, Im stuck here worrying bout my studies and exams and reports.... all this seems impossible to achieve, but Ken says we will still make time. Really?? Truly and really?
I hope so......
Im feeling so much better today even though I have class later. but well, its juz the journey towards achieving something. =) YEAH!