Sunday, August 23, 2009

I finally did it~

I finally did it. I finally am leaving my job. It wasn't a easy decision, but it was something i had to do.
And after handing up the letter, i felt relieved. I felt free...... something which have been weighing down on me for so long... juz disappeared.
But the feeling only lasted for a while. Now im thinking of what comes next.
Whats my next move?
Many people says I should find a job before leaving. Some say I should not leave.
Well.... I don't know. But im crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. =D
I bloody suffered from sleepless night last nite. It was so torturous!!! Now its a damn bloody lethargic Sunday for me where im so tired and can't bring myself to do anything else except be a couch potato. I did not even go to church! argg. now my throat hurts. my face is itchy. my nose is running. All because of lack of sleep. THis sux!
The worst thing is I NEED TO WORK TOMORROW. I have 3 weeks left to my notice period and I am so looking forward to it.