Thursday, January 22, 2009

i feel like giving up

Im draggin my feet every single day. I seriously dun wanna work anymore. Im so exhausted and tired everyday.
Im really really looking forward to the holidays..... but doesn't seem like its goin to be a relaxing holiday.
Im so tired from classes after work yesterday and tonite i gotta go to school again. SIGH.
Then Steamboat dinner with Kenneth's Family is tomorrow.
Saturday I gotta work and then 'reunion' dinner with friends.
Sunday reunion dinner at grandma's house.
I feel tired juz thinking bout it. I need rest. I want to do NOTHING.
Im calculating my expenses to see if I can survive without working.
I might be able to - provided that I stop shopping, stop dining at restaurants, stop smoking, stop watching movies, stop eating sandwiches, stop drinking EVIAN water......
I might eventually die of boredom, hunger or even thirst. DOUBLE SIGH.
Which means I can't stop working.
Im looking people to contribute to the 'Save Luisa Fund'.
Kind souls out there, please transfer money through ATM/iBanking, or GIRO min of $100 every month to my account. It will ensure the existence & happiness of Luisa.
You will be greatly blessed. =D Saving Luisa from her mundane life, full of frustrations, disappointments, exhaustion.......