Thursday, January 22, 2009

i feel like giving up

Im draggin my feet every single day. I seriously dun wanna work anymore. Im so exhausted and tired everyday.
Im really really looking forward to the holidays..... but doesn't seem like its goin to be a relaxing holiday.
Im so tired from classes after work yesterday and tonite i gotta go to school again. SIGH.
Then Steamboat dinner with Kenneth's Family is tomorrow.
Saturday I gotta work and then 'reunion' dinner with friends.
Sunday reunion dinner at grandma's house.
I feel tired juz thinking bout it. I need rest. I want to do NOTHING.
Im calculating my expenses to see if I can survive without working.
I might be able to - provided that I stop shopping, stop dining at restaurants, stop smoking, stop watching movies, stop eating sandwiches, stop drinking EVIAN water......
I might eventually die of boredom, hunger or even thirst. DOUBLE SIGH.
Which means I can't stop working.
Im looking people to contribute to the 'Save Luisa Fund'.
Kind souls out there, please transfer money through ATM/iBanking, or GIRO min of $100 every month to my account. It will ensure the existence & happiness of Luisa.
You will be greatly blessed. =D Saving Luisa from her mundane life, full of frustrations, disappointments, exhaustion.......

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Im so mad

my school is taking an awfully long time to upload the exam results. the other classes already got their results like few days ago and my class is still wondering whether we cleared the module or not~!! SO ANGRY!!

I got my Chinese new year outfits but im missing shoes.... but I dun tink i'll be getting new shoes this year cuz im so broke!!! juz serviced the van and its purring perfectly. Plus I juz replenished my facial care products which totalled up to about $300. I switched back to Biotherm from Clinique. Biotherm seems to be better for my skin plus the counter girl was really nice.

I went to SaSa to buy some nail polish to DIY my own nails for the new year to save money for mani and pedi and this particular nail polish caught my eye. its a very piang color of reddish orangy. If it turns our damn piang in ur imagination, it prolly is that color that I bought. It on my nails now, and I love it. Im seriously not normal. It reminds me of some highlighter I used in primary school to color my nails. Wheee....
Finally watched 'Yes Man' Yesterday, the Ducati was so sexy... I wish Kenneth rode one. =P
The winds have been crazy this few days and I love it. Gives u an excuse of not needing to comb your hair when u leave the house. Went to Marina Barrage on Thurs, the place was beautiful, the view spectacular. Had a nice time unwinding there. Work has been a crazy roller coaster and I feel like im hangin by a thread. Thank God I have a very long weekend, off from thurs till sun. Im determined to get a good rest and recharge.
Need rest. Cramps.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Like It

I was home early today since I had half day off from work, my iTunes was on shuffle and guess what came on~!!!!
My fave dance music of all time. I have not heard it for the longest time. It brings back sooooo much memories.
This is definitely my song. =D
When Im sad, it makes me happy.
When Im happy, it makes me high.
I remember dancing to this when Im high. Like really high.


I Like It (Mblack Remix) - Narcotic Thrust

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Brunch / Hi-tea

Lunch was at Mandarin Orchard. It was some dim sum buffet. I almost died by eating myself to death. There was an unexpected guest, John Lee, I was sooo surprised to see him. And I was glad to have him there. It was pretty pleasant reunion lunch + celebration of Sami's birthday.
I ate lots of tiger prawns, lobster, peking duck, suckling pig porriage and many many dim sum. Food wasn't that fantastic and the tiramisu did not taste like tiramisu. -.-

After the lunch some went home, some went to catch a movie. Either red cliff or Hannah Montana. I dun like chinese fighting movie and I dun like Miley Cyrus. Suppose to go swimming this afternoon but after the lunch I would have thrown up in the pool if I did went swimming so decided to head home and rest.

Im so addicted to this stupid facebook game, I wasted the whole afternoon playing it. Arggg.
Classes start next week on wed and thurs. ZZZzzzzz.

They give me the surprise look when I said that I dun know if Samuel would be coming. I just said we did not talk for quite some time. And when I tink bout it, it has really been QUITE some time since we talked. How were we last time? I thought we are still close. But I haven realised maybe not anymore. Well, things do change. Or maybe I changed. I might have changed cuz I dunnoe what to say to him anymore. I dunnoe what to do together anymore...... well.... thats life. haven really thought bout all this till today when John kept asking whether we quarrelled. Thats the thing. we did not even quarrel. I juz drifted out of ur life. so John concluded - we have broken up. I dun know to laugh and take it as a joke or feel sad bout it.
John mentioned while we were smoking on how our 'family' have turned out into and I totally agreed with him. Its juz weird that we're still there. I tink its really time for me to find new friends. A new scene. I tink im goin to take up Yoga classes or some baking class to hang out with some housewives. SInce im turning into some boring old alcoholic shit.
Juz some thoughts.... dun ask me bout it. I dun want to talk bout all this at all. Juz need to let it our. Tomorrow will be a better day. =D
Bless me in the new semester.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Watched MILK yesteday after work with Jac, Boo, Sami, Loo etc. It was a refreshing change to have dinner with them and catching a movie from the hectic days of my working life. Kenneth was doing guard duty so I took a train all by myself all the way to town instead of hopping onto a cab. Im so damn proud of myself!
The movie was good overall. Even though it was about a gay political figure, Everyone should watch it whether gay, straight or in-betweens which Jac & I call the whatevers. There was this character Cleve Jones in the movie which is so Samuel!!
Nice. I had fun even though I reached home pretty late and was damn sleepy at work the whole day. It was a worthy sacrifice to see all my sweeties again.
Im soooo looking forward to goin to Bangkok with them the next round after all my studies.
Argg, I hate school.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

End of holiday season.....

After all the holidays, time at work is crawling at snail's pace. *sigh* Left with Chinese New Year to look forward to, but work is gonna be damn hectic during that period. *sigh-sigh*

After work yesterday, headed down to Chinatown to have steanboat with Caleb and Sheares. I had to go cuz Sheares was treating. Wheee... Food was not too bad, the chilli was quite shiok, even though I dun really take spicy. Juz eating and chatting and sharing office gossip. I ate A LOT and felt bloated like a whale. Even my stomach hurt after. But the moment I reached home, was dragged downstairs to have TAU HUEY with TANGYUAN - my favourite!- with Keong. I felt like a total piggy after. damn. All the swimming I have done the previous weekend have gone to waste. Hmmp.

Im soo dreading next week, my school term is starting and Im back to taking 2 modules. Which means double the stress, double time taken up and I gotta go to school twice a week. Gah! I have no time for anything anymore... sob sob sob. I dun wanna go back to school... I wanna be like that everyday. No stress, juz work and play, work and sleep, work and watch drama. I dun wanna study.... so sian~!!!!

Sheares have tendered his resignation, and will be leaving at the end of the month. Kinda sad that I would be losing one of work buddies but yet Im glad that he is leaving to pursue a business venture. Some feel that he is taking a big risk at this point of time, but I feel that it is good for a man to take a risk and try new things out. At least he does not have any major committments at the present moment and there is no better time for him to take a step forward. I wish I could, but Im not really a risk taker. Neither do I have any good business idea with low start up capital for me to venture out. What business is suitable for me to set up? hmmmm....

At the moment, there are so many things I wanna do. but my studies are holding me back, which is quite frustrating at times. But when the market is how it is now. All im hoping is I can hold on to my job. Even if I managed to hold on to my job, the changes at work is making it difficult to stay on. Even Caleb is goin for an interview on Thurs. Haiz, the basic the other company is offering is so much lower and even he does not mind.
Give me strength and perserverance. Help me to hold on to my sanity when everything else is goin crazy.
Focus on things that matter, and dun give a damn to things that upsets me.
Thanks for being my pillar, giving me support........ please stay by my side.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I slept the first day of 2009 away

I finished watching Little Nonya on MobTV as I could not wait each day for each episode to unfold.
I don't like the ending. =( Boring.
Anyways, my new year eve was a very quiet affair spent at home watching the countdown on both Channel 5 & Channel 8. I tink Channel 5 countdown at Marina Bay was so much better lor. Minutes to midnite we were all bloody tipsy from all the alcohol. I was feeling like damn bloated and sick from all the mixes. White wine with vodka, mix with a little Baileys and some juices... I can't really remember. made me feel real sick. But overall it was juz a quiet nite watchin movies, playing games and chatting with lots of alcohol. Even Ira joined us for some beer, BINGO and 21.

Keong was the first one to get drunk and went completely nuts. We have the video to prove it~! haha. Pity Samuel did not come. Oh well...

My new eye candy for 2009, Dai Yang Tian. So cheena rite the name. But he is so damn hot!! He totally overtook Elvin Ng in my hotties list. Check out his pics to simply understand why.

He was on Channel 8 coundown show. Wheeee.....

His picture from the show that be acted in. So cute....... 'Little Japanese'.

Hopefully 2009 would be a EVEN better year for me. With good food, nice drinks, great novels to read and lots of love from family and frens. =D
No more putting up of bullshit from people and loving myself more. Much much more.
No new year resolution for me since I can never keep them. So well, juz go with the flow wherever 2009 takes me.
Ok, maybe juz one resolution.
1. Stop spending so much money.
I tink I really do have too much clothes, cuz everyone that come up also exclaims at my wardrobe. Keong calls my wardrobe Takashimaya. Point taken.

*too lazy to rotate the pic* random pics of Qubie.
Happy new year loves.