Monday, December 29, 2008

Puppy Love

This year seems to have passed me by really quick. In this year, I have suffered greatly from the cruelty of studies and the torture of work. So drama, yeah, whatever.
Lots of things have changed, I realised I don't club as much as I used to, and I can't drink anymore, I am now officially a cheap drunk. All this due to the fact that Im juggling work and studies. I really feel too exhausted for anything else. Hopefully next year will be a better year for me.
Im heading for domestication, and since Im spending a lot of time at home, i need a pet to entertain me. I want a pet. I always wanted a dog since Joey passed away and Angie was given away, but a lot of committment goes into it.....
Im thinkin of either a Shitzu or Maltese. But I prefer the latter. So cute~! What's not to love.

I still do not know what Im goin to do on NYE. Counting down is overrated. Im not interested in fireworks. hmmmm.... I need a dog to watch TV with me. Call me grandma. =P