Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pre-Exams Anxiety

Work has been... well.... not so hectic for the past weeks. Kinda good for me. Whee... but after a while, things start to get boring and we start to find things to do to past time. Like eating, snacking, chatting, reading newspapers... for me I choose to read my textbook to prepare for my exams but my colleagues keep Irritating me and I end up reading the same sentance 10 times. I ended up not studying but fooling around and stoning at work. =S

~My work Buddy Caleb and his retro hairstyle~


After work, we had a branch dinner at a Japanese Restaurant. It was a buffet dinner, so Caleb and I decided to not eat much for lunch so we could have more at dinner. Before dinner started we went shopping at Raffles City, but before it was time for dinner, we were sooooo hungry cuz we did not eat much the whole day and my legs felt like jelly. I was so tempted to munch on all the goodies that were at the basement but YEAH, I did NOT succumb to temptation and had a lot to eat for dinner. I ate like Tons of sashimi, tempura.... beef.... many many more. I felt like a shishamo after that.

Planning what to order... yum yum

As usual being bullied by Caleb and Sheares.

But life at work would be so boring without any of them.

We had Sake after dinner, everyone was so excited about it. See all the closet drinkers showing their true colors. hehe Sake was good, I never had it before. But it was kinda strong though. Bleah. I thought the cold Sake would be nicer but I ended up drinking the warm Sake. Shiok.

High~! LOL

Okie, enough of fun. I really need to study for my exams... I haven really started. Im so dead. =S Help me.