Sunday, September 28, 2008

rest at last

After weeks of rushing around to classes and running errands, Im exhausted. I haven't got any off days cuz its all accumulated to my leave in Oct.
Anyways, today spent time with granny. Picked her up after church and headed down to OG cuz she wanted to go shopping. I realised that I definitely got my shopping habits from her. Within mins of stepping into OG, she bought a top that cost 158 bucks. -.-""
We were looking for a warm sweater for me for our trip to Europe. But all the sweaters look so ugly at OG! But I juz chose one since she was paying for it. =)
Headed down to Tiong Bahru market for lunch and did a little shopping there too. Its really amazing the stuff they have there. Weird enough, there was stuff for me to buy. She as usual spent lots again, even at a market. I bought PJs...... PJs from Tiong bahru market, the PJs that old aunties wear at home. So funny.
Tomorrow is Monday and im so not looking forward to work anymore. Im so tired and I got a report to rush out by tues and I haven started at all. Everytime I tink of my report I feel SIAN. so I avoid it.

Got this really funny picture of Kenneth. So sickening~!!!! But I forced him to give me a slutty look. so well.... enjoy.

Im hungry and Im waiting for my pizza to be delivered. Im trying hard to cut down on fast food, but for today I guess I'll juz break the rules. So hungry so hungry and I'll be watchin the F1 race till my food comes. i can't feel the F1 excitement but its kinda interesting when watching it on TV. Singapore actually looks amazing at night.

lastly..... SO CUTE!!