Friday, August 8, 2008

ultimate level of sian-ness

Was on mc today. Woke up like 5am in the morning with stomach cramps and rolled around in bed hoping it would go away. Did not work. Struggled to the toilet for bout 5 times, by the time the alarm rang to get ready for work, I was too exhausted to get up.
I tink Im like playing with fire..... thoughts of resignation is constantly on my mind, cuz I feel like I can't cope.
MC today and I did not feel like calling in to inform my boss. Balls getting bigger or rather I juz really dun care anymore. Im too tired. Really really need a break. On leave from tuesday onwards and its not for relaxation... im having my exams. Im so not ready..... boohooo
Marketing Research is really no joke. its tough and im so bloody scared.... with all the statistic and numbers. It makes no sense to me.

Baby came home early today to send me to the docs. Was really in pain and feelin damn guilty for nt goin to work. Argg...
This is me looking super shack and in pain. I seriously tink I look like shit. and i actually left my home without changing and brushing my hair. =S

Baby happy while I emo away....

Anyways, I got a new optical mouse. Guang Liang bought it for me. So sweeeet rite? I really like it a lot and its the cutest thing. Guang Liang is Kenneth's army buddy if ur wondering and he really is the nicest guy ever. =)

Was asked to go down to Butter Factory to celebrate Daryl Wong's bday. But I can't. WHy??? Stupid exams....
Because of my studies and work stress.... I can't celebrate fren's birthdays.... especially frens that matters to me. its sad. to see people having fun and playing while Im struggling with the weight of the world and worries that is making me age. My life sucks.
Was debating the other day with Daryl when I was whining away that I have no life..... cuz when they asked me to head down to Ice Cold Beer I could not. And Im so envious of them able to go out at nite, have drinks, chat with frens. He said that I have a life, and he had no life, thats is why he is outside wasting time.
I dunnoe which is true... but well, it does not matter. cuz right now, it not cool to be me. Its not fun to be me.

today is eve-public holiday and Im not out partying, getting wasted or not even out! gahhh........
save me please. I need motivation. I need energy. I need strength. I need to sleep and wake up when all this is over.

ACDC lost the battle to M&M Cru. Which sux. So irritating.....
It was so 'kelong' !!!!!
Adam is so cute.... despite that Samuel's fren said that he is so not cute and hot. I dun care. I tink he's cute. Im weird I know.. I know. I have weird taste... I know I know.... that's why I have no frens. I disagree with everything in this world. I even have to live in the opposition area. how's that for goin against the norm.
Ok, enough of this emo shit.
Anyways, another video of Adam Sevani and ACDC battle against the girls....
Go Adam.... =D