Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thank God

Results are finally out. Im glad and im thankful.
I passed and thank God. Although I did not do as well as I did last sem, but all i asked for was to pass and i got Credit for both modules and Im more than glad. =D

So... here comes the next sem and Im so NOT looking forward to next week . My whole hectic life once more.
This week have been pretty much great.
Monday was a nice dinner @Tung Lok with frens to celebrate Gary Loo's bday. It was really nice seeing them. I so happy.

Eating out is so unhealthy and my hair is dropping at an alarming so we decided to have home cooked food. Well, I cooked for 2 days and I decided to give myself an off day today from cooking. Went down to town to buy Durian SnowSkin Mooncake... yummy yummy. It taste sooooo good. *Burp*

As usual, nothing happening in my life. Juz boring me.
Oh ya, I have to say that they are so many weirdos around. I tink its the stress of living in Singpapore that everyone is juz behaving madly. they are always so angry and irritated and short tempered. Everything is always NOT their fault and that the whole world owes them their life. WEIRD. People should go do some Yoga or Pilates to calm down and center their chakra or anything to CHILL. People in Singapore need to chill and relax. -.- This world is not getting easy to live in. So since I can't change the way people behave and think, I juz gotta ignore them and live my own way. For all I know, I may be the weirdo to them always in my own world. But hey~ at least im happy. =D For now.............
another thing to be glad about. Im so blessed with great batchmates. We were practically inseparable at the Dinner & Dance. We had fun together even though we were all not sitting at the same table and our tables were far far apart. I was at table 45 and Thomas and Fj were at 200++ table. damn. but we still ran all over the place to have smoke breaks together. So it was great. At least we motivate each other to stick to our sucky jobs. heehee
I was having a super bad hair day that day and Thomas is not in the pic. But... who cares anyway. D&D lucky draw prizes were fantastic but I went home with nothing. SO UPSET. They were giving away 2 tickets to Japan and Shanghai all expenses paid and grandstand tickets at Japan and Shanghair Grand Prix race. But that's not I was eyeing. I so wanted the Airbook... or even the IBM thinkpad.... or the iPod video 80GB... or the Nintendo Wii.... or the X-Box. But I ended up with NOTHING. Not even the Pizza oven that MunHou got. So unfair. So I made it up by drinking lots of cheap beer which made me feel bloated the whole nite.

TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!!!!!!! actaully i also dunnoe what so happy about, as if I got great plans ahead. but nevertheless, im still so looking forward to the weekend where I can sleep and sleep and sleep and get FAT~