Thursday, August 14, 2008 and a half more day....

I need to escape to a happy place. I wish for my happily ever after really soon.
ok... juz one more day. I really can't wait to get through this week.
Friday.. come Friday. Friday at 10pm I would be screaming at the main door of my school. YEAH~!!! ok, maybe not. But I'll be damn @#$%^ happy.

Yesterday's paper was a disaster. EROI. what the @#$% is that? I called Fj to make myself feel better about not knowing what it is, and he juz so smoothly and confidently says... 'Employee Returns On Investment'. Now! Where did that come from. I have never seen EROI in my entire life and concluded might been that week that I skip lecture. Damn~!

Anyways, the killer paper is tomorrow. MRA~Marketing Research and Analysis. All the numbers and formulas and statistics. Its crazy man.... Im having this pit feelin in my tummy. It so torturous.

Oh God, Please help me through this week. Give me strength.

Okie, back to studying now... *yawnz* this sucks.