Sad thing yesterday was that my Gilly baby have been sold to somoeone else.... it was heart wrenching seeing her between the legs of another man. Damn..... But she gotta go. she wasn't really good to me and ken.
Saying final good-bye to Gilly Baby... second good-bye. Kinda hurts. First Gilly was stolen, din even get a chance to take a last look at her. =(
My com is $%^&** pissing me off.... keeps hanging.
But nothing can spoil my mood to today.
Finally got my result to my dreaded exams. And I got D for both papers. WHEEEEEeeeee..... Yeah.
Getting distinction for both papers really felt good after all the torture that I went through. I was... what is the right word... REWARDING.
But I really felt a little lost knowing the Carrie did not pass MDP and felt sorry for Xue Feng that she had to take supp paper. But at least she got a shot at passing the dreaded module. I could not express my joy as it felt wrong. It was difficult being in that situation.
Work has been hectic. School crappy. Weather killer. Lack of transport.
Other than that, everything seems normal. In my life. FOr now.
Juz enjoying the other book im reading. Another great read, Really made me laugh out loud and made me wanna cry at some point. Strongly made me feel like having a daughter.
Okie, my noodles are ready.
TGIF. Tomolo is friday......... Wheeeee