Saturday, February 27, 2010

say hello to better night's sleep. wheee

Finally! My Sealy mattress is here. so shiok! but i can't seem to nap without Baby by my side. So sian. I rather be washing my hair or doing a facial.

its the end of Feb already. 2 months down, 8 months to go to my wedding day. And I feel like I haven done much. Im such a bad planner. Plus it doesn't help much that Kenneth and I are both such laid back pple. Pfft.

I don't even know what we should do. People keep saying we must be really busy planning for the wedding. But truth is.... I tink im busier with work and MJ in between trying to spend time with Baby among our hectic schedule.

Im kinda getting worried that the whole wedding will be screwed up and a big disaster. Im praying hard that everything will just go smoothly. *please God*

Thank God! We got our queue no for Dawson @ Queenstown. Freaking no 44. Whats the odds! Just when Ken & I are planning to buy over the 3rm Potong Pasir flat because its more affordable and forfeit our Dawson plans, we gotta have this queue no. Now we're in a big big dilemma.
The moment we saw the queue no, all practical plans of budgeting and saving just went out the window. Im so excited bout the high ceiling and balcony!!!!
The cons bout Dawson:-
1. Expensive
2. Small
1. High Celing
2. Balcony
3. Location
4. MRT not LRT

im so excited. so excited. wheeeeee?
should i get Dawson or not? how? how? how?

im so hungry. gotta eat