Saturday, February 27, 2010

say hello to better night's sleep. wheee

Finally! My Sealy mattress is here. so shiok! but i can't seem to nap without Baby by my side. So sian. I rather be washing my hair or doing a facial.

its the end of Feb already. 2 months down, 8 months to go to my wedding day. And I feel like I haven done much. Im such a bad planner. Plus it doesn't help much that Kenneth and I are both such laid back pple. Pfft.

I don't even know what we should do. People keep saying we must be really busy planning for the wedding. But truth is.... I tink im busier with work and MJ in between trying to spend time with Baby among our hectic schedule.

Im kinda getting worried that the whole wedding will be screwed up and a big disaster. Im praying hard that everything will just go smoothly. *please God*

Thank God! We got our queue no for Dawson @ Queenstown. Freaking no 44. Whats the odds! Just when Ken & I are planning to buy over the 3rm Potong Pasir flat because its more affordable and forfeit our Dawson plans, we gotta have this queue no. Now we're in a big big dilemma.
The moment we saw the queue no, all practical plans of budgeting and saving just went out the window. Im so excited bout the high ceiling and balcony!!!!
The cons bout Dawson:-
1. Expensive
2. Small
1. High Celing
2. Balcony
3. Location
4. MRT not LRT

im so excited. so excited. wheeeeee?
should i get Dawson or not? how? how? how?

im so hungry. gotta eat

Saturday, February 20, 2010

weekend. please don't go so soon

FINALLY. Weekend is here again. Please please don't go by so soon.

Just finished my mahjong game. :) So happy. Baby gotta work tomorrow. But I'll be going for my facial to save my ugly pimple face. GAH.

Im so freaking broke. Yup. Even though its just after CNY, but for a fact, I did not get much ang pows. Ang pows seems to be shrinking every year. Plus the fact that Kenneth & I lost quite a bit at Blackjack. But managed to recover a little from MJ. So well.

im broke broke broke with so much stuff to pay. Just gave a deposit for the photographer & videographer. So expensive!! weddings are such expensive events. Zzzzz.

The one good thing today. My leave is blocked. Wheeehooo..... Im going to Hong KOng. I can't wait for my break. But first. I gotta save money. No more shopping! At all. Plus I gotta get through month of March. No PH!!!! Die.....

Second thing - I definitely and very determine to lose weight. I must lose weight. Im getting a little fleshy. A little chubby. Which means... Im getting FAT! im so sad.
I need to lose weight. I neeeeeed to lose weight.
I just bought 30 bucks worth of chocolates and candies from Candy Empire. I wanna shoot myself. So sinful. BUT I CAN'T help myself. :(
how? how? how? I went to gym yesterday. Ran 5 mins on the threadmill and I almost collapsed. Decided to do some weights. Did bout 50 reps, muscle felt achy. Went to do the step master. Another 5 mins, my lungs could barely get oxygen. Decided to stop and do weights again. Did like 20 reps. Muscle couldn't take it. I gave up.

Went to Sakae Sushi to fill my tummy. Spent like 20mins at the gym including changing time, spent 1hr eating.
Im such a failure!!!

ok. so sleepy.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Like finally! weekend is here... wheeee.....

work is super duper torturous. If I have to deal with another crazy customer screaming in my ear. I swear I will freaking vomit! I hate it when they say, "I wan to complain!" You see.... I really dun understand what this sentence means. What are u trying to say? U wan to complain to someone else? U wanna complain to me? Or wanna complain bout me? Or complain bout the issue? Sometimes customers really make me confused.
Then after they finish complaining they say they wanna go elsewhere. GO LA! I really really dun care! Its frustrating, irritating and tiring. I hope Joeren stays. Or else its really gonna be crap without those girls.

Other than that my life is pretty ok. after work, that is.

I have been waiting so long for this short break from work. Im so happy its finally here. But Baby still gotta work tomorrow. Sian.

My face is breaking out. Must be too stressful at work. Gah! Im so ugly now. :(

Im not a very loyal user of FB. But its actually quite a interesting platform! Through FB I found a guy I used to know during my growing up years. Im so happy!! Although he looks so diff, it feels.... nice to 'see' him again. I dunnoe why. All i remembered was he was such a sweetheart! :)

CNY is such a tiring festival. Going places. Smiling. Making small talk with relatives who dun really care bout u. But the good thing is.... spending time with love ones! I wanna eat my mama's mee sua. Yummy!

so sleepy.