Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lazy Sat...

Its such a lazy lazy afternoon, what a pity Kenneth is at work but at least he's gonna be off soon.

Anyways, after the past months of torture, I tink im finally getting used to working in an office. I tink i might actually like my work after all.... of course being at the branch is what I really enjoy. But I guess I just forgot bout the shit that come with working at the branch. The working hours and the siao siao pple.

I still deal with a lot of siao siao pple now. But Im still deciding which is worse. Being screamed at on the phone or being screamed at in your face.

The Piano is finally our of my home and I have more space now. Now I need some ideas on what I should do with the corner.

I feel happy that today I spent some time with MaMa and she finally let me drive her car! She was tired after all the driving and walking that she surrendered her car to me. WooHoo. Its really easy driving a auto car but her car is huge! I had lunch with her and spent some time shopping. She wanted to see the ballroom that Kenneth and I choose. She really loved it which is goood.

I really love that woman. She's just so cute! Going to some fish farm for dinner. Looking forward to the company but not the place Nic chose. -.-

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


work is horrid horrid horrible. Im struggling everyday. I feel stuck and tortured.
Mon to Fri are absolute torture.

But I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. when im back at UOB I'll prolly be miserable too. Will I? I really really dunnoe....
I dunnoe what is the matter with me.... am I juz lazy....
but im definitely not giving up so easily.
i must hang on.....

on the other hand, im really really excited bout being engaged.
but its really quite a hassle to plan for a wedding not to mention EXPENSIVE.
everything is money money money.

the place that we have managed to booked is Grand Copthorne. the ballroom is really really pretty. which I like.
but then the reality of planning for a wedding hits me when I realise that I need to source for a whole lot of stuff...

bridal shops+photo shoots
make up artist (settled)
bridal car
etc etc

I have been dreaming of getting married for so long, and now that it is finally happening.
I feel unprepared and worried and scared and wish I can postpone it further.
I feel like I need more time to prepare and plan.

people able to help, please help me and recommend good people for stuff stated above.
it would save me the trouble of sourcing around. :) but not too expensive please.