Saturday, January 17, 2009

Im so mad

my school is taking an awfully long time to upload the exam results. the other classes already got their results like few days ago and my class is still wondering whether we cleared the module or not~!! SO ANGRY!!

I got my Chinese new year outfits but im missing shoes.... but I dun tink i'll be getting new shoes this year cuz im so broke!!! juz serviced the van and its purring perfectly. Plus I juz replenished my facial care products which totalled up to about $300. I switched back to Biotherm from Clinique. Biotherm seems to be better for my skin plus the counter girl was really nice.

I went to SaSa to buy some nail polish to DIY my own nails for the new year to save money for mani and pedi and this particular nail polish caught my eye. its a very piang color of reddish orangy. If it turns our damn piang in ur imagination, it prolly is that color that I bought. It on my nails now, and I love it. Im seriously not normal. It reminds me of some highlighter I used in primary school to color my nails. Wheee....
Finally watched 'Yes Man' Yesterday, the Ducati was so sexy... I wish Kenneth rode one. =P
The winds have been crazy this few days and I love it. Gives u an excuse of not needing to comb your hair when u leave the house. Went to Marina Barrage on Thurs, the place was beautiful, the view spectacular. Had a nice time unwinding there. Work has been a crazy roller coaster and I feel like im hangin by a thread. Thank God I have a very long weekend, off from thurs till sun. Im determined to get a good rest and recharge.
Need rest. Cramps.