Tuesday, September 23, 2008

down with day 2

I must have done something right. I have gotten over my previous sem's results and lived with the fact that I have 2 credits and been happy bout it too. but recently out of the blue, there was an adjustments to the results which I did not even bother to go see. Well, being all bored out of my mind yesterday I decided to go in and see what the fuss was all about and I saw~ I got a Distinction for MRA (Marketing Research)... I was stunned~!!! I was like... what the #&$*. My results were adjusted from a C to a D. Im still wondering what I have done right. Shocking. Yes. Wow, what a pleasant surprise.

its a bad start to my week. the weekend was great though. I enjoyed my home-cooked dinner by Samuel and enjoyed his company. Its been quite some time since he last slept over. it was such a familiar feeling that has not been felt for quite a long time. And after months and months of discussing and planning, I finally dragged my pale white body to Sentosa, supposedly for a tan. But well, God must be on my side, the moment I hit the beach, the sun disappeared. Much to the frustration of many, but secretly I was glad. But I got sun burnt anyway. damn. I wun say I had a great time at the beach, but I was happy to see some familiar faces.

some pics taken over the weekend, too lazy to upload the rest.
Twins~!!! hehe

This baby was spotted at Sentosa. Damn bloody cute. He was so hot and bothered and totally adorable.

more when I have too much time on my hands. for now. Im hungry.