Sunday, August 10, 2008

A little taste of Happiness....

I actually laughed a little today. Felt a little lighter today.
1) Chatted with Samuel a little today. Which made me realised that I miss him so much~! and thanx for the encouragement Baby, did give me a little push to get through the day.

2) I gave myself a break from studying today. After church today, went home for grandma's yummy popiah and century egg porriage. Followed by a guilt-free nap all the way till evening time.

3)Wanted to read my notes a little after walking up from my nap cuz I felt the guilt creeping up on me the moment I woke up. But Kenneth received a call asking us to have dinner with his parents. Ended up having dinner with the whole bunch. Dinner was alrite, crabs and stuff... at least got free dinner. hehe

4) Suppose to head home at targeted time 7pm to resume my studying but ended up hanging out at Bedok with the rest till 10pm. -.- (I totally have no discipline.)

5) So 10pm wanted to go home and juz maybe read a least 1 chapter of Marketing Research and Analysis...... when I have craving for Sticky Chewy Chocolate. So guess what, headed down to Swenson's for my sugar fix.

So u see, the whole day was spent with thoughts of studying but not fufilled at all. So was thinking maybe its not so bad to take the day off right. Juz that my exams is only like 2 days away and really lots of chapters to study... and im still bumming around and worrying and instead of doing somethiing about it, im still wasting time... and I should really be reading some chapters but yet im not....
okie, panic attack again... breathe Luisa... Breathe. U can do this... right? right.