Wednesday, June 25, 2008

was feeling pretty down yesterday. Must be due to my unbalanced hormones.
Im still feeling crappy but there is no one to tell. Cuz I dun feel like telling it to Ken, cuz he would juz tink its my menses that is causing all these.... Alicia called me yesterday to chat, but was simply not in the mood at all.
Sometimes I wonder why nobody calls me and I realise.... yea, Im pushing them all away. I dun answer my phone calls and I avoid goin out with them. I feel so guilty but... at least, thank goodness, they still care bout me enough to call me and check up on me even though I play the missing game... *sigh*
I should really make the effort to meet up with them. Maybe I should... but im really so so tired.
Im not feeling better today and I have a high tendency to lash out on any one that pisses me off.
So. for now. Pls fuck off.