Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday. The beginning or the End of the week

Damn, Sunday is almost over. Its dark in the living room and im typing this with Kenneth sleeping like a pig in front of me.
I can't sleep too much or else I wun be able to sleep tonite.
We have been sleeping in the living room floor since last nite. Sound stupid? It is~!! But is so fun....
Feels like camping.
Its great having the whole place to ourselves and wanted to make full use of the whole house.
Actually, the real reason we were sleeping on the living room floor was that the room aircon needs servicing and the weather has been so hot~ we can't take it no more and have to sleep out in the living room where the aircon is so much cooler.
The aircon man is suppose to come..... where is he???? Ken called him and he is at IKEA shopping. -.-
While im like so hot at home...... =(
Sleeping on the 'tilam' brings me back to my childhood days of sleeping on the floor in my grandma's room.
Sometimes I wish I was a kid again. Less worries. Less pain. Less stress. Want lesser stuff... actually no. Want less expensive stuff. I tink all I ever asked for last time were Barbie dolls and storybooks.
Now, all I want are clothes, shoes, bags, LCD TV, new bed mattress, trips to many places, Mui Mui Bag..... and the list goes on and on.............

Went vehicle shopping today at Ubi..... saw one which I really like. But its so out of our budget. It kinda sucks when U want something but cant have it. I dunnoe which is worse, not having something u want or settling for something lesser. sigh.
Lots of planning needs to be done. Budgeting, calculations..... boring.

TOmorrow would be the start of the working week. Gah. How sucky. Kenneth still on MC and get to sleep the whole day at home while I suffer at work. HmmP.