Saturday, March 20, 2010

i feel a small pang of sadness. Wondering what could I have done differently.
I feel you slipping away, but there's nothing I can do on my part.
Wondering am I the problem or are u the problem.

sometimes I feel alright. Sometimes I totally forget bout how it used to be.
But when things remind me of u, I feel sad knowing that im no longer a friend but have been categorized into a passer-by.

I dunnoe what I should do as Im much too shy. and im extremely not outgoing enough to initiate anything.
plus im much to tired most of the days. weekends i spend recuperating. but i never turn down an invitation from you but I dun get them anymore. i dunnoe what to say to u anymore. Its as if, we do not have anything to talk about anymore. Its kinda sad really.

Im so stressed at work im sinking into depression. Im suppose to be happy planning for my wedding, but am much too stress bout all other things.

I really wish that u guys will still come to my wedding even if we do not even see each other for more than a year.
thanks anyway, for helping me through my darkest times. I will never forget your kindness and friendship that you have given me during that period of time. Im always around if u need me. wishing u the best in everything.

Friday, March 19, 2010

long weekend?

Seriously, what a way to start off the weekend. Had a toothache last night and decided to make a trip to the dentist as the pain was kinda irritating.
Simply thought it was a cavity that needed filing. But dentist said my wisdom tooth was decayed and needed to be extracted at that moment. I was in shock. I didn't even know I had wisdom teeth!!

Now my mouth feels like I was punched really hard. Plus im really really hungry but I cant eat hamburgers and stuff. Such a torture. And next month I gotta go remove another wisdom tooth. HELP!

Im so happy I got my paige boy and flowergirls. Kenneth and I went around looking for flowergirl dresses and we found a whole lot of them. So cute and adorable the dresses!! I can't wait to get them for Kayla.

I will be selecting my gown in April. Really excited bout it but worried that I will not be able to find a nice evening gown. Nice evening gowns are so difficult to find as from what I have been seeing, they make me look as if im going to perform at a ge tai. -.- *crosses fingers*

im really starting to worry a little bit bout the photographer. Well, she was introduced by a fren that just had their wedding celebration. I managed to take a look at their photos and there were bad! I mean, the photos were well taken, but the quality is bad!! im so upset. But i really dun understand how such a good camera takes such pictures. Im really hoping the photos will turn out well for me.

Im so happy that Samuel and Shawn are really excited bout me selecting my gown. I feel happy because of the support they are giving. Sometimes everything can be overwhelming cuz of the negative things people say. and sometimes it gets really frustrating. But through concern and support from people around, it kinda makes things so much better.
Thanks Samuel for caring. It helps a lot. :)

ok. my tooth.... or rather the lack of it is making my gum ache. time to take painkillers laced with codeine. WooHoo. I lurve feeling drowsy on a rainy day. nope. Im not a junkie. just lazy.