Sunday, July 26, 2009


I got really nothing fun or exciting to write about. Haven done anything new. Anything fun. anything exciting. I haven done anything at all for the past few weeks.
Weekdays have been spent working and weekends have been spent alone.

I don't exactly feel lonely when Ken is working. I feel....... bored.
But when im at work I feel bored too. Its like I suddenly feel so bored with everything. I really dun know what to do.

I spent Sat with FJ playing mj cuz Kenneth gotta work. Now now its Sunday and I spent my Sunday cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry. Cuz im bored. The weather is too hot to go anywhere plus im broke. Staying home alone really sucks.
But I know, I know Ken gotta work and Im really okie with it. But im juz BORED! I tink i should just take a nap now. I wish I have people to play MJ with me in the afternoon...

Caleb is at Batam now. So annoying. Dunnoe one mth go Batam how many times. I so jealous. me wanna go too.
Received a postcard from Keong in Japan. I tink its been bout 3 weeks he have been away. So I heard they would be moving to China next. Freaking lucky ass those guys. Get to travel to different countries for months. *sigh* me wanna to0.

Actually im still dying for a white x'mas. A nice, quiet, white x'mas. hmmmm.... sounds good. could this year be the year?????

I really dislike my job now. not fun anymore.... I need a new environment. Im passing day by day. Hour by hour. sometimes the days are so long. sometimes the hours pass so fast.

What are we living for? There's gotta be more to life than this.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

im going blind looking at
I juz feel like I wanna run. I feel like im stuck, cornered.
Sometimes i feel so fed up. Sometimes i feel so tired. Sometimes I feel like running.
Hopefully, this few hours of staring at the website would have some life changing results.
*crosses fingers*

Monday, July 13, 2009

emo monday

I swear my days are just passing me by. today is such a shitty day.
I was suppose to go for my pilates class but right at the very very last min - I had a migraine. Im now alone at home with a pounding headache with no appetite for dinner. argggg....
Kenneth is out working. I really hope things will go well for him. Hopefully he brings home good news later.
This laptop is totally gonna crash. but im too broke to buy a new one!!! I promise myself I will stop spending so much money. save money. save money.
I really really wish to have a break from work. Im getting really tired. I feel like I dunnoe where im headed everyday. Which explains the reason where Im so emo everyday.
I keep dreaming of goin on a holiday. Somewhere near would be great too. Maybe somewhere with a beach? or snowy mountains.
Sigh. But cant. Kenneth gotta work and earn money. I support him wholeheartedly but I really wish to have a holiday. WHY AM I SO POOR!!!
Allan is getting married. the preparations sounds really fun and exciting. =) kinda happy for him. I wanna get married too..... before i get old and crumpled.
A friend uploaded my secondary school pics on Facebook! wahahaha.... I have never seen that pic before in my life. Its like 12 years ago... damn. so much has changed. I looked so carefree and innocent. thinking I have like a bright future ahead of me. And now? Im stuck in a bank. U never know what life has in store for you.
But I guess no matter how shitty life turns out to be. Im glad God loves me enough to keep me by his side. So no matter how shitty life turns out to be. I still have God. wheeeee.......

Thursday, July 2, 2009

im not really in the best of moods the past few days. Feel really bored and lost.
am in a damn emo mood the whole day... argg.