Monday, November 29, 2010

I'm Married? I'm Married!!!!

Wow! Im so married.... 1 month after the wedding and I still smile thinking bout it.

Finally all the prep work has come to an end. And it all boils down to one perfect day.
We activated a lot of people and everyone has brought they best to the table and everything was perfect!

Even God helped us out by giving us good weather, great health and loving family and friends.
I couldn't ask for more.

I feel so blessed surrounded by great friends and loving family. I love every single one of them. My family.... cousins..... everyone was so beautiful that day.

My sisters, Samuel :P, Jac, Alicia, Yvonne, Tiffany, Jarlyn, Nicole, Hannah & Meiqi. U all were so supportive throughout my preparations. I really really really appreciate it.
Poor Meiqi even fell sick. :(

The brothers, were cool to be all hyped up and sporting.

My loving husband, whom put in so much effort to make my perfect wedding come true. I jus had to say what I want, and he would do whatever he could to make things happen.
Like my candy bar, my tea lights, fairy lights. U give me everything I asked for. I love u baby.

I pray our love would only get stronger as time goes by. Its hard work and Im willing to work. hehehe

Back to reality, im not happy at work. I keep falling sick no matter what vitamins and stuff I take. I think my mental health is suffering. I hate not knowing stuff and not learning things fast enough. I feel handicapped. argg, so frustrating. I need to get my bearings right. Again.
I hate starting all over again. I dun like moving on to a new place. Im gonna try and hang on.
Why cant i just be happy somewhere and work for the rest of my life..... this suck.
I hate being an adult. I wanna go back to schoool...
Actually not really, how can I afford all my pretty clothes without working. Damn, not possible.
So I guess its work again tomorrow.