Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I have been extremely sick since Friday. The start of the long weekend that I have been looking forward to. *grrr*
I have been lying in bed unable to move and walk around due to high fever. Brain almost got cooked.

Thanks baby for staying by my side and wiping me down with ice packs. *loves*
Could not take it and finally went to see a doctor on Sunday morning. Doctor gave 2 more days mc cuz i could not recover in time to go back to work. And yes, I slept the whole 2 days away as well.

I finally got some strength to get out of my room and sit in my living room. And its back to work tomorrow.
I have fallen sick so often even since I started work at OCBC. dunnoe what is the matter with me. Its kinda frustrating.

But from what I heard, Im not the only one on MC. seems that all the checkers are also on MC. There is a nasty nasty virus at work and its making all of us ill. Junice mentioned that they have sprayed dettol around our work stations already. Hopefully I'll not catch the virus again since I have barely recovered.

Im choosing my wedding gown next week!!! Im so excited. I hope I hope I hope I can find the right one! whee...
*crosses fingers*

Feeling giddy again. gotta lie down.