Tuesday, April 21, 2009

4 more days...

im having the worst days of my life... maybe not the worst but still terrible. I abolutely hate exams, I hate studying.
I have 4 more days to go before Im freeeee.......
I cant wait.
The stress and anxiety.
Actually, I know I really should be studying. I really really should be, But i feel so sian~!!! when i sit down and stare at my notes.
Even my body starts to shut down.
For every 5mins of reading, I take an hour nap. Arggg... I feel so frustrated with myself. But I juz cant stop watching tv, playing games on Facebook. ITs an absolute nightmare. Ken is not around either which makes things worse. No one to accompany me. to calm me down. to encourage me... =(
But well, im a strong girl. I can do this.
I Promise tomorrow I will put in more solid studying time. yeah rite. But still I will try not to sleep so much.

Wish ken was around. I feel so alone at home. So SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish i could sleep and all my exams would be over when i wake up.
This is my final lap.
This is my homerun.
I need to do it.
God please help me through.
God grant me perserverance.
God give me strength.
Thank you GOd.