Sunday, March 15, 2009


my mid-terms are over. but nothing to be happy about. Its time to rush two major reports, then comes my final exams.
I feel like I can't breathe. But im thankful for the little break that I have after my paper today. A little time for me to let loose and not think and worry bout anything concerning school or work.
Ended up playing mahjong. wheeee....
I wonder why am I so broke all the time. when I haven spent a lot of money recently. pay came and gone just like that. Total bills came up 900+ boohoohoo. to make matters worse, increments and promotions will be put on hold. this totally sucks. but i guess I juz gotta be glad that I still have a job? when i really really dun really feel like working? I dunnoe. Im tired, and confused. and awfully stressed.
Im just looking forward to end April. GOd, give me strength and perseverence.

Monday, March 2, 2009


My mid-term exams are starting this week and I have not started studying. Instead Im at work. It sucks to be a part time student with a full time job. Bleah.
Pls hurry hurry.... get me through this 2 months.